Easter Parade is my second of my collaborations with textile artist Janine Pope and features three of Janine’s signature stitched figures. Illustrated here are my hand-embroidered girls (with one skirt in hand-stitched appliqué) and a version by Ingrid using the free machine embroidery stitching. Whichever way you choose to ‘dress’ the girls, and it might be a combination of both, it is such fun to work this design.
Very cleverly, the design is drawn such that the Easter motifs can be covered by stitching or appliqué without affecting the outline of the girls and their clothes, so you could ‘dress’ them in any number of ways without any reference to Easter. A lovely way to celebrate friends, bridesmaids, sisters, granddaughters. I was very taken with the Jule Post bag that some of you may have made and it occurred to me that this design could be made into a very sweet bag to fill with wrapped eggs.
Full instruction and pre-printed fabric, thread card, no threads.